Site Locator

The Site Locator application allows for the reporting of mass graves and other sites where the mortal remains of missing persons and disappeared may be located. Information can be provided anonymously, or may include contact details.

The Site Locator is an easy-to-use application.
  1. Begin by selecting the Site Location from the drop-down menu
  2. Click on the map to indicate the location, and Zoom-in to pinpoint the location as precisely as possible
  3. Complete the information fields below
  4. Click "Send Site Location Form" button when you are ready to submit the information
Note: All data fields are optional, and may be left blank.

If you wish to send us a list of Site Locations (i.e. a report covering more than one Site Location), please click here or e-mail us at [email protected]

Site Information

Type of location:
Site Location:
Estimated number of persons located at the site:   (if unknown, leave blank)
Estimated date when the site was created:

  (if unknown, leave blank)
How did you find out about this site?:
Have you reported this site to anyone else:
Description of the location:
Do you have information on the event or circumstances that caused the disappearance and death of the persons at this site?
Do you have information on the identity/identities or origin of persons who may be in the site?
Photo of the location:
Users who would like ICMP to contact them can provide the following additional information:
ICMP’s mandate is to ensure the cooperation of governments and others in locating and identifying missing persons. In this regard, information provided to this application may be shared with investigative agencies, both national and international. ICMP reserves the right not to disclose information provided to this application if in ICMP’s judgement doing so would threaten the integrity of evidence or crime sites, or until such threats no longer exist.
Phone Number:
Other contact information as desired:
ICMP will treat this personal information as confidential.


Please verify yourself:
Your location marker is not placed in the same country/territory as selected from the list. Please consider moving the location marker to the selected country/territory. If your marker is in fact placed in the selected country/territory, please ignore this message and proceed with your report.

Kosovo* - This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
Data Protection Notice
Personal data will be treated as confidential and used only for purposes for which it was provided. For further information, please contact ICMP or see ICMP's data protection policy.