Report a Missing Person
This page allows you to report a missing persons and to seek information about a person already reported as missing to ICMP. If you wish to seek information about a person already reported missing, you may click here. You will be asked for the verification code provided to you at the time you reported the person missing.
If you wish to report a person as missing who has not previously been reported to ICMP, please complete the form below. Below, you may also upload a photograph of the missing person to the OIC MyFace application. The photograph will be visible to the public, and members of the public can report to the OIC if they have seen the missing person alive and in what circumstances.
In the event that you wish to submit lists or databases containing information on missing persons you may click here or email us at [email protected]
If you wish to report a person as missing who has not previously been reported to ICMP, please complete the form below. Below, you may also upload a photograph of the missing person to the OIC MyFace application. The photograph will be visible to the public, and members of the public can report to the OIC if they have seen the missing person alive and in what circumstances.
In the event that you wish to submit lists or databases containing information on missing persons you may click here or email us at [email protected]
Data Protection Notice Personal data will be treated as confidential and used only for purposes for which it was provided. For further information, please contact ICMP or see ICMP's data protection policy. |