Database of active missing persons cases from conflicts on the territory of former Yugoslavia

You have accessed the public version of the Database of active missing persons cases from conflicts on the territory of former Yugoslavia.

The Database is managed by the Missing Persons Group - a multilateral mechanism of regional cooperation, which is embedded in the Western Balkans Berlin Process. The Missing Persons Group comprises domestic institutions (DIs) that are responsible for the search and identification of missing persons from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, Montenegro and Serbia.

The database currently contains a total of 11310 records of missing persons. This number will change when new cases are reported or when cases are resolved and consequently removed from the database.

The database is searchable by first name, father’s first name, last name, and reported territory of disappearance. By clicking on a specific search result, more data categories will be opened for you to view.

When you access a specific missing person record, you can provide relevant information in the feedback box. You will be asked to provide your contact information, so you can be reached for further details if required.

If you wish to report a person missing as a consequence of 1990's armed conflicts on the territory of the former Yugoslavia, please check their name is in the Database first. If a missing person is not listed in the search results, you can report them by clicking the button at the bottom of the next page.

If you wish to report the location of a mass or individual grave, you can do so by using ICMP's Site Locator. The application allows for the reporting of mass graves and other sites where the mortal remains of missing persons may be located. By clicking Here, you can provide information anonymously or with your contact details.

The database was created with the technical assistance of the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP), and funded by the UK Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and the German Federal Foreign Office.

Kosovo* - This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.